14 June 2013

High School is Over...

Recently I saw a YouTube video that for humor sang about how after high school your life will now forever suck. It was humorous, I'll say that much. It's always great fun to laugh at poor kids who's mothers were far too kind and unleash their child in to the world unable to do their own laundry or boil water.

However, my argument to make is that life only gets better after high school. I had a great time in high school. I had a great group of friends, few enemies and really the only thing bad about attending high school was how dreadfully boring classes were. My point is, high school wasn't a horrible experience for me, and yet I feel life only got better after high school.

Yeah, you have to get a job. Yeah, you're paying rent to get your own place. College tuition is too high and you are only 18 and have no idea what you want to study for the next four years. You're faced with decisions that get bigger and bigger each passing year. At first it's just picking friends, boyfriends and classes...then it's picking a career and settling on a spouse, then it's kids and mortgages, then...

But that's what is awesome about life after high school. More responsibilities, but more life you get to live. Your horizons expand. Your adventures that make up your life story continue on and get bigger and better.

High school is five years behind me. So as my wiser, older self (sarcasm to be noted here.) my advice for new graduates is to remember you always have a choice. Always.

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