24 August 2013

How to Make Sure Customer Service Hates You

1. Ask the same question over and over again expecting a different result. Get upset every time you get the same answer. Or alternatively, go between different shifts asking different people the same question, also expecting a different result. This tactic in particular will get the receptionists/cashiers/etc to get together later and talk about how obnoxious you are.

2. Demand services or help while talking on your cell phone. It will make you look like you think the world of yourself and that the cashier/receptionist/technician/etc is a machine doing your bidding and only takes simple whispered one-word commands to perform it's duty. Don't bother yourself with actually speaking with them, explaining what you need or allow them to ask you any questions.

3. Be appalled at the prices. Have a fit at the cashier and tell them they simply must be the spawn of Satan for charging you these outrageous prices. Go on and on like this to make sure the cashier is adequately perplexed as to why you came in to the store in the first place if you couldn't afford the products.

Odds are the cashier himself/herself wouldn't be in the store either on their wage except for the fact they work there. Bonus, at their pay grade they make 0% of the calls over prices. So this is a great opportunity for you to whine and complain to irritate and annoy someone else.

4. Rush them. Tell them to hurry it up. Ask why they can't make the process go any faster...especially if you're dealing with a medical related profession where they're trying not to accidentally kill you. To add a cherry to the top of your being as irritating as possible sundae...be upset when you receive the expected results of a rush job and then moan some more about being late. Act like you're the only person in the world that has a job and is busy.

5. Say something completely unintelligible, when the person asks you to clarify or repeat yourself call them stupid or idiot.

6. Make up names to call them. Call all males "John" and females "Nancy" even if they've told you their name. 

17 August 2013

Great Parenting Moment

Me: Your children need adult supervision in order to use the pool.

Them: silence

Me: Aren't those your children in the pool? Or are you children with you and accounted for?

Them: Well, there are other adults there. Aren't there?
(hint: no there weren't)

That's a new one I haven't heard of. Herd Parenting. 

Herd Parenting: Don't worry. The other adults will watch your children.

08 August 2013

The Best Life

Today I have been thinking about how awesome my life has been. I complain a fair bit...guilty as charged. Sometimes I can get a little wrapped up in the idea that things could always be a little better. However, my life really is just brilliant.

I married the greatest guy in the world. He always finds ways to make me smile bigger and bigger all the time. This last week he surprised me with pink lilies and delicious Pirouette cookies at work. I love getting ambushed with hugs and kisses. I love how he randomly bursts in to song, sometimes the songs are strange, but it's adorable.

I love having time to write again. I don't know what's going to happen when classes start again, but right now I love having a few hours everyday to do some writing. I love that I've read so many books this summer...that weren't textbooks.

I love that we've been able to earn and save up money this summer. I had such a hard time finding a job. I had been hoping to land an internship for the summer and I put out TONS of applications from January to April, had a period where I had one or two interviews every week...and still couldn't find an internship. It was a frustrating, but I was still blessed with a job close to home and only spent a week unemployed during summer.

My sweetie has been working so hard all summer, I'm so glad he's so resourceful. For work, this summer has been intense for both of us for different reasons, but now I know, we're cockroaches! Indestructible! Resilient! Ah, yes, it's another one of those moments like after we hiked Mount Timpanogos together. Once we got off the mountain, we said that if we could survive that with how completely unprepared we were, we could do anything.

View from the top of Timpanogos
Then there's all the little things I love. I love the bird feeders our upstairs neighbors recently refilled and seeing all the strange winged creatures fight over the seeds. I love going to the temple as often as I've been able to. Provo Temple has been closed, I miss getting to walk over and enjoy it. I was grateful for the excuse to head up to the Mount Timpanogos Temple the other night. (Remember, we got married there! It's such a lovely place.) I love the summer BBQs. I love watching my sister and sister-in-law getting ready to serve the Lord on missions

I love hash browns. I love McDonald's Monopoly. I love that the odds are in my favor that this semester of college will be my last one. I love Netflix. I love morning yoga.

With all the life changes coming at me...I know it's all going to be really great. God is in charge, and He really does want us to be happy. Thanks for reading my counting out that proof and evidence. :)