So I'm taking a couple interesting classes. A religion class and an entrepreneurship class...and they are quite similar to each other.
Hear me out!
There is a frequent theme in my entrepreneurship class in that each presenter we've had come in, more often than not poses the question, "What would you do if you weren't afraid?"
Lately, the question posed in my religion class discussions has been, "What are you doing, because you are afraid?"
Fear is quite a motivator and a barrier. I doubt anyone enjoys fear playing a role in their lives. We want to be motivated by inspiration and pursuits that lead to happiness and fulfillment. How often though, do you do things because you're afraid?
In both classes, a conclusion frequented in discussion and through examples of stories and case studies is that when fear is the motivator it prevents us from reaching our greater or greatest potential.We might get somewhere, but we won't maximize our potential.
While I think a little fear is natural when we take risks, and maybe it is healthy to have a sense of fear. More than that though, should be a positive force (which depending on the class is called either "God" or "destiny") motivating us and urging us to think bigger and do things that are called "difficult".
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