Do not look at my plate.
If you must look at my plate, don't judge my food. I don't want to hear about how much "rabbit food" I have on my plate. I don't want to hear your commentary on how much I have or haven't eaten.
Considering that over one-third of American adults are considered obese*, you probably don't have too much right to tell me what my diet ought or ought not look like. There is a one-in-three chance you are one of these chubbies who are at risk for preventable forms of diabetes, cancer and heart diseases. You don't comment on my weight and I won't comment on yours.
Yes, sometimes I opt for just a salad. Have you thought that maybe at that moment a salad sounds good to me? I love steaks and deep fried deliciousness as much as the next person, but every so often I don't want to full-on assault my arteries and I want to eat something in a flavor other than oil.
I really love food. It just hurts that you would suggest I feel anything but love towards delicious food. Food and I have a beautiful relationship. Don't hate on it.
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