20 December 2013

Rowling Brings Us More Harry Potter

Big news! J.K. Rowling is producing a play based around Harry Potter. Thus the Potter franchise carries on!

However, I'm skeptical. I'm a Potter fan. I grew up with Harry Potter. However, I'm not sure I want more Potter in the form of a play. Particularly with that play being one adding on to the story but not written by J.K. Rowling herself.

I'm a bookworm through and through. I don't like watching movies nearly as much as others in the States. Usually, my first question when a movie to be watched at a social function is "How long is it?" Because if it goes over 90 minutes, I need to do some serious thinking about engaging in this function. I might have to sit still for over an hour and a half. Shivers.Only a corpse would hold that still for that long.

A play is a nice idea, most plays have intermissions so that's a good start. However, I think books are what we need. Writing is such a beautiful art form, one in which Rowling does so with particular grace and intrigue in every word. I do wish we could read books and be excited about books being written rather than reading a book and thinking to ourselves "Can't wait to see this as a movie!"

As I am working on my novel, I wonder, what would I do if someone approached me and said they wanted this story made in to a movie. What would I do? It's a silly question and I know it, I'm a long way off from even finishing my first draft much less gaining the traction necessary to call L.A.'s attention.

I do love that movies have given me opportunities to discuss with my not-so-avid reader friends the stories I have loved. I can also appreciate that movies make these stories accessible to younger friends who are still developing their reading skills. But how much does a movie help give a story more reach or detract from the original work?

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