07 December 2013

I Bought My MegaPak of Spider Squishers This Season! Did You?

Dear friends, I've been sick for the last four days. I was going to not post this week, but my *ahem* motivator (also known as, my husband or "sweetheart") is making me write anyway...so here you are.

No, I appreciate his support for my writing in my haphazardly written personal blog. My sweetheart is a total rock star. Being sick has almost been nice with flowers by my bed and having Taco Time brought to me. (Which after two days of soups...ZOMG Taco Time is SO GOOD! Either get a spouse to get you a Casita Burrito or go get it yourself right now. Seriously. They're delicious.) However, I am definitely ready to be well again. I think feeling completely useless is the worst part of being sick.

There are few things worse than the torture of being an ill college student when near finals, especially for this poor senior who would like to graduate. (11 more days folks!) College doesn't give you a day off. Things are due when they're due and that's when they're due. I've had to scrape ice off my car and brave a blizzard to turn in a final project and two assignments. Not helpful when your eyes are swollen, throat is burning and you're exceptionally grateful you had the foresight to buy the MegaPak of tissues that should have lasted at least half the year, depending on how many spiders turn up come Spring. Hmmm, they should print this on tissue boxes: Use in case of spider infestation. Unique marketing angle, don't you think?

I'm very hopeful that in the real world (away from academia) people don't want me to make them ill or turn in poorly done projects and will allow a couple days off to recoup. Everyone says it only gets worse from here, but I think I'll ignore them for now and will permit myself to procrastinate one paper and not vacuum my apartment or wash dishes until the energy to do so returns.

Also, any and all spelling or grammatical errors, excessive usage of ellipses and parts that I thought were humorous but actually weren't are hereby excused by myself on account of my being ill. Thank you.

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