Me: Your children need adult supervision in order to use the pool.
Them: silence
Me: Aren't those your children in the pool? Or are you children with you and accounted for?
Them: Well, there are other adults there. Aren't there?
(hint: no there weren't)
That's a new one I haven't heard of. Herd Parenting.
Herd Parenting: Don't worry. The other adults will watch your children.
Scary! I always consider almost every adult around my kids a potential pervert until I get to know them and I don't hear pervert alarms going off in my head. All my kids soccer, football, karate, etc. coaches are on trial for the first few weeks. Luckily, I've only had the alarms go off once. Would never think of leaving my kids alone at a pool or in the hands of strangers. And yes, I am over-protective. Maria
Unfortunately I know a family which this is their parenting style. We shall call them parents number 1. We had them over for a party, both parents were there, and another couple which had hired a babysitter for their kids ended up watching parents number 1 kids. It was very frustrating because we were trying to play games and their toddler kept coming up and grabbing game pieces and cards. Besides the fact they could have ruined our game, it was pretty crappy to let other "responsible" couples take care of your kids. Same thing happened at a photo shoot. Dad was having fun hanging out while I was making sure his toddler was falling into the fallen ruins of the old mill they were taking pictures.
Oh that's wasn't falling in, although the other one might have been interesting.
That's not over-protective. That is normal and smart.
Good on you for keeping tabs on where your kids are and who they are with! At my job, I've been really surprised by how many parents don't seem to care. It makes me so sad for those kids.
Some people I want to tell them, "You know, I'm sorry you changed your mind and don't really dig this whole being a parent and looking after your own children gig, but you're a little to late to change your mind. Deal with it and keep your kid alive and out of trouble."
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