25 July 2013


Heartache and sorrow are visiting friends,
who sometimes stop and speak with you.
They stand at the door and weep and sway.
The choice is yours, a friendship to renew
or to send them away.

Invite them in and offer them things.
A little from your pantry, they partake.
Leaving you with nothing in their wake.
Solace, you hand hope from inviting them in,
For they were company to your sorrow and sin.

Send them away, send them home,
Eat from your pantry and wait for faith.
You are not truly alone.
She will come an fill your plate,
and leave nourishment in her wake.

Well guys! That is a poem. I wrote it. I wrote a poem! It's my first one in a long, long time. I'm hoping more come and I can get better with practice. Cheers!

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