14 March 2013

Life 2.0

As you might have noticed, this blog has gotten a face lift and ALLLLLL of it's posts deleted. Yup. Everything is gone.

It's been a long while since I posted, and what I'm doing now is somewhat dangerous. I'd like to start blogging again...but obviously I haven't in a long while. This pattern may continue in to the future. If my life had stayed the same two years in a row something would be seriously wrong. Twenties are the years for exploring the world, trying new things and figuring out how the decades down the road are going to look like for you. That kind of thing doesn't lend it self to "comfortable" routine.

However, I am seeing more stability in my life moving in. I'm newly married. In another semester I'll be graduated from the university with my bachelor's in Finance. I'm young! I'm still spending a few minutes every morning amazed at where life has taken me at my age. If all this happens by the time you're my age...what happens with the rest of life?

I'm excited about what could happen next. I'm nervous too. That's the thing about "anything could happen"...you kind of get a mixed bag of good stuff, bad stuff...annnnd average stuff. I'm doing the best I can with what I understand and know and just going at it. I'm hoping it all works out. But it will, I mean, things don't always work out exactly how you anticipate despite your best laid plans, but that's kind of the awesome part. Sometimes you end up with better, or a learning experience...or something not good or bad, just different.

So I guess that's where I'm at in life. I'm hoping to blog again next week! We'll see how my workload goes. I miss writing, so I'm going to make an effort to do more of it.

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