Well, folks. As you can probably tell, right now I am struggling to keep this blog from dying. You wouldn't believe all that's been happening in a few short months. I remember taking a road trip with my mum and sister and saying, "You know, I feel like my life has gotten a little too calm. I haven't really had much change in the last couple years. Things are a little too easy. I just go to college and get doted on by my wonderful boyfriend. I kind of get the feeling things are about to change, like, a lot."
Can't wait to move here! |
How's that for premonition? In an era where marriage proposals are massively orchestrated events with the date typically picked out by the bride-to-be, that next week my boyfriend surprised me. A few short months later we married and I left my hometown (hooray!) The semester after that I graduated from college and thus was formally tossed out in to the cold, cruel world.
Following graduating, I worked an internship at
Pearls with Purpose (great cause, I do recommend checking them out. I'm not just saying that because I've worked on their website and written some of their content.) Two months passed, I got a dream of a job offer. Title? Marketing Lead. That title comes with my own office, benefits annnnnnnd a huge move northward!
I wrote a while back that while you're in your twenties, if two years of life are the same, something's probably wrong. This decade of life is ALL about change. So, so far I am greatly succeeding at keeping the changes running. This new job means a move for us that I'm very thrilled for, I hate living here. It will be so good to head to a bigger city and enjoy bigger opportunities.