12 April 2013

Our Journey Begins

I really miss writing. A lot. I didn't even really notice I quit until the last little while as I've been planning things out for graduation from college. I'm sitting here with soda, jalapeno chips and SweeTarts pouring over weird calculations and looking at spreads (can you tell me how inflation impacts gap management? Because, I sure can.) and I'm wondering to myself how did I end up spending my evenings like this?

I'm looking forward to the summer to start working and hopefully come home in the evenings to start writing again. I want to write a novel. I'm thinking horror/fantasy. I want to dream up some fantastic plot, with riveting characters and a world no one has ever seen before. Then I want to leave you staying awake late hours of the night reading my novel...or being so scared you can't sleep. How will it end?

Future me!
I'm beginning to think this blog might be me documenting my journey back to writing. I think I want to talk about me returning to my old passion and yeah, I'm going to get myself published! You, my friend, are invited to ride with me as I do this. Magical isn't it?

Current me...wow, those are some BAAAD eating habits and a very dry textbook.

02 April 2013

To the Chasm!

Graduation is approaching for me in another short semester. Which graduation is a nice way of saying "walking in to a chasm".

I wonder and worry a lot about it. I've done a lot of work to get to this point and I'm left to wonder about this being enough to set me up for a good career. Will I find the right job? Did I take the right classes? Was I involved in worthy extra-curricular stuff? Is my resume pretty enough for me to get called in for interviews? How will I best take care of my family?

It's too darn much uncertainty for my tastes!

I was at a meeting with some mentors for the business school here, and I just had a good laugh when they said, "This is the easy part" (referring to being in college and at the college age). Not that I mean to discredit their life and it's difficulty. Heading a multi-billion dollar company isn't easy. Starting several businesses from nothing isn't easy. However, there is NOTHING easy about this college stuff and being a twenty-something. I feel like I have a million and one decisions to make and all of them have the potential to completely derail my life and I only have so much life experience to work from in making these decisions.

But maybe that's just the nature of life in general. We're perpetually making decisions and maybe more often than we realize they all have the potential to derail our lives. I guess I just feel like right now more than ever before in my life I feel this sign floating over my head saying "DON'T SCREW THIS UP! BECAUSE YOU'LL NEVER HAVE THIS OPPORTUNITY AGAIN!!!"

So are you really only 22 once? 

If so I've only got 16 days of it left...